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Did you know it’s normal to lose 100 to 150 strands of hair a day?1 The good news is that we can help prevent excessive hair loss by taking care of both our hair and scalp. Contrary to popular belief, washing hair daily is not the best way to guarantee scalp and hair health. In fact, most hair care specialists will advise not washing daily unless you have unusually oily hair.

Here are some tips for growing and maintaining a healthy head of hair:

  • Don’t wash your hair everyday and whenever you do, apply some conditioner on the ends. Try and use the same brand of shampoo and conditioner.
  • Rinse the conditioner off with cold water, as it is good for both strength and shine.
  • Wash your hair every two to three days for proper regulation of natural hair oils. Not washing daily will help hair regain its natural body and luster and keep the scalp from drying out.
  • Comb wet hair gingerly to prevent breakage. Wet hair is fragile, so run a wide toothed comb from the roots to the ends of your hair as gently as possible.
  • There has been a lot of focus on sulfate in shampoos. Sulfates are the reason most shampoos lather the way they do. Some researchers also suggest that sulfates strip hair of essential oils.2  They’re also why your eye stings when shampoo accidentally gets in that area. If you feel any kind of irritation on the scalp or find your hair drying up over time, then try and buy a shampoo that’s sulfate-free.
  • Although conditioner is usually applied on hair to help detangle after shampooing hair, deep conditioning occurs when it’s applied to the roots and massaged down to the ends and left in for anywhere between 10 minutes to an hour. Then rinse thoroughly and enjoy silky smooth hair.
  • Heat and hair coloring both dry out hair and scalp. Conditioners are critical for protection against heat.3 If you tend towards dry hair to begin with, try to avoid coloring hair and when using a hair dryer, keep it in a cool setting. Removing as much water as possible with a towel and then air drying is even better.4

The Nikken True Elements® personal care line has two hair care products: Shampoo and Conditioner. If you’re used to hair care products with sulfates, you’ll notice right away that True Elements® Shampoo does not produce prodigious amounts of lather. That’s because it’s formulated without sulfates to help moisturize rather than dry out the hair and scalp.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. This adage holds true in many instances and from what Nikken can gather from those of you who practice Active Wellness, the True Elements® Shampoo is going to be welcomed back with fanfare! For those who are new to the fold, get ready for a Nikken exclusive that contains magnetic particles that promote mechanical stimulation and movement for a deep clean! True Elements® Conditioner remains available and as experts suggest, it’s best to use the same brand of conditioner as shampoo.

Please join us at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89186004002 (meeting ID: 8918600 4002) on July 10, 2020 at 10 am PDT in the US and Canada to hear the details of the return of True Elements® Hair Care.

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